Activist and author, Levonne Gaddy, on growing up during segregation as a Multiracial person and about her memoir “Three Red Suitcases,” Ep. 183

Written by Alex on August 26, 2018 - 0 Comments

Ep. 183: Levonne Gaddy is a native North Carolinian and a graduate of North Carolina Central University and University of California Los Angeles. She authored three books, numerous newspaper articles and blogs over the past decade.

During the 1980’s in Los Angeles, Levonne brought together mixed-race people and families to build a social support network that remains vibrant and relevant today; Multiracial Americans of Southern California (MASC)

During the 1980’s, as a “multiracial” expert, she made regular appearances on national television and radio shows (including the Phil Donahue Show), and was interviewed by national and international news outlets (including the Washington Post, New York Times and Télérama Magazine of France). In 1999, Levonne testified before the United States Congress to advocate for the acknowledgment of individuals with more than one racial heritage on government census forms.

She is the author, most recently, of a memoir entitled “Three Red Suitcases: A Southern Childhood.”

For more about Levonne, please see:

For more on host, Alex Barnett, please check out his website: or visit him on Facebook ( or on Twitter at @barnettcomic

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Huge shout out to our “Super-Duper Supporters” Elizabeth A. Atkins and Catherine Atkins Greenspan of Two Sisters Writing and Publishing

Intro and Outro Music is Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons – By Attribution 3.0

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