Multiracial Families Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time

Written by Alex on October 23, 2014 - 6 Comments

People look at those of us in multiracial families as if we’re sideshow freaks, oddities, weirdos.  But, it’s so not true.  Being in a multiracial family expands your horizons.  Think of it this way, do you want to eat white bread everyday or, do you maybe want to add a little arugula, spicy mustard, and maybe if you’re really bold, some Italian salami and a bit of manchego cheese?


Variety is the spice of life.  And, being with people from different origins is a beautiful thing.

But, having said that, remember that in the end people in multiracial families are just that – people.  We laugh, cry, love, hate, and make stupid faces at babies just like you do.  We also love movies just like you do.

And, like you, we like movies that show love and support for our experience — the blended experience.  Toward that end for those of you not fortunate enough to be in a multiracial family (aka “fencebuilders” :)), I’ve decided it was time to let you take a peek into our world.  So, without further ado, here are the Multiracial Families Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time:

10. Lethal Weapons 1-4 (Yes, Mel Gibson has questionable views about us Jewish people. That said, there’s no getting around the beautiful chemistry between Martin “I’m Crazy” Riggs and Danny “I’m getting too old for this sh*t” Glover).

9. Stir Crazy and Silver Streak  (Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor doing their best as oddball buddies in jail and on a train.)

8. Running Scared (Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal as crazy cops who get a little gun-shy)

7. White Nights (Gregory Hines, again, and Mikhail Baryshnikov dancing up a storm)

6. In the Heat of the Night (Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier as cops angrier at injustice than they are at each other).

5. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (Sidney Poitier and Katherine Houghton as an interracial couple in love. Mostly it’s a Poitier/Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn movie, which is totally cool with anyone who loves movies).

4. Every Morgan Freeman movie (’nuff said)

3. Blazing Saddles (Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little breaking down stereotypes at a time when that kind of thing was even a bigger deal than it is now)

2. Tie between 48 Hours and Trading Places (common thread — Eddie Murphy when he was still exciting and brash, coupled with the grizzled Nick Nolte and the comedic genius of Dan Aykroyd).


1. Casablanca (yeah it’s Bogie and Bergman, but it’s really Bogie and Dooley Wilson as Sam.  Besides, Casablanca’s like the best movie ever, and it’s in Black & White, so just the film stock it’s on is interracial).

So, there’s the list.  Enjoy!

6 Comments on “Multiracial Families Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time”

  • Debra BrandonOctober 24, 2014 am31 9:45 amReply

    I live in Alabama; but, I hope to meet you and your beautiful family, one day.

    • AlexOctober 26, 2014 pm31 11:26 pmReply


  • Deborah Nam-KraneOctober 25, 2014 am31 9:15 amReply

    Oh my god- someone else likes Running Scared?! I thought I was the only person on the planet who appreciated its brilliance 😀

    And yeah, the problematic Lethal Weapon series. It’s too bad Mel Gibson is such a psycho bigot, because I did love that franchise.

    • AlexOctober 26, 2014 pm31 11:28 pmReply

      Yeah, Running Scared is a classic!

  • HildegardMay 16, 2015 am31 7:46 amReply

    Many thanks for creating Multiracial Families Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time | Alex Barnett, actually love it.

    • AlexMay 16, 2015 pm31 10:20 pmReply

      You bet!

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