Being a Dad Means: Part 10

Written by Alex on December 11, 2013 - 0 Comments

Being a parent is great.  It’s also tough stuff.  But, ultimately, it’s a journey that you go on with your child wherein you learn a lot about your child, the World and yourself.

As we begin this week, here are a few lessons I’ve learned of late:

1. Being a dad means I worry about my own mortality, but for someone else’s benefit.

2. Being a dad means sometimes, on those few occasions, and reluctantly, you have to unlock the “daddy” voice, which scares the crap out of everyone including yourself.

3. Being a dad means that Black Friday isn’t a day to spend money it’s a day to work and make money. #wishIwerehome

4. Being a dad means that I get to spend all day with our son on the weekend, which makes me realize why someone invented “going to the office” and “working late” #stayathomeiswork

5. Being a dad means that, yes, I wore my cycling helmet all through dinner and then while watching tv if only to prove that helmets are cool. #safetyfirst #dontcarehowIlookanymore

6. Being a dad means I now look at people on the subway and think “man, you need a f’ing timeout big time”

7. Being a dad means I now understand the thrill of the scooter. #relivingchildhood #easyrider



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