Overcoming Hate Speech

Written by Alex on January 22, 2012 - 2 Comments

In this era, when people of all races, religions and ethnicities mix and mingle freely in our society, sometimes people will say that racism is a thing of the past.  People often say this to my wife and me.  They point to us — an interracial couple (a White man and a Black woman) with a Biracial son, and they say “surely  you guys are proof that things are different.  Things are no longer as they were.”


They’re right.  Things are different.  Society is more open.


But, things aren’t perfect.  Racism and ethnic hatred still are out there.  And, they’re not lurking in the shadows or hiding in the corners.  No, they’re right out in the open.


As proof, I provide here a comment I received on one of my social media platforms.  I apologize in advance for the content, as it is that graphic.  I debated not even posting it, but I wanted people to fully understand what I experienced and to understand that people who hate still are out there.


Here’s the quote.  Here’s what someone wrote to me:




Obviously, that’s pretty upsetting.


So, the question is how do we react?  A million different thoughts and emotions went through my head.


After thinking of it, though, I decided the best way to respond was simply to continue loving my wife and son as much as I already do.  I also decided to share this anecdote with friends and colleagues and fans and the world, in order to shine light on this issue, to reveal that racism is not dead, and to express my belief that the best way to respond is not to stoop to the level of the haters, but to continue to accept and embrace and love everyone regardless of their race or religion or ethnicity or gender or orientation or whatever distinguishing characteristic you’d care to point to.  Because in the history of the world, the only thing I’ve ever heard of that ever led to things getting better was love and understanding.


So to everyone out there, I say, know that hate is not gone.  But know, too, that we can overcome it by continuing to love and support one another.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

2 Comments on “Overcoming Hate Speech”

  • razorayneJanuary 24, 2012 am31 7:26 amReply

    I think what you have to remember is that the type of “person”, and I use the term loosely, that can look at the picture of an innocent child and spout such hateful, pointless bullshit without batting an eye is a very insecure and unhappy individual. People like this are weak and feel powerless in their own lives so they seek to steal the power of someone else’s happiness by resorting to hate-filled slurs because they believe there is much power in their ruthless hate, they think the N-word or any other racial slur has power over a whole group of people and power over others is what they so sorely desire. But they couldn’t be more wrong. There is one thing stronger than empty, envious hate and that is love. Just by yourself and others like you, myself included, continuing to love and care for whom ever they chose regardless of whatever skin color they may happen to have or whatever gender they may be you silence their hate speech. At the end of the day, what will the ignorance of this random asshole have accomplished?? Will it make you love your wife or your son any less? Absolutely not! All people like this want is to get a reaction out of you so they can feel like the somebody they are not. People like this are indeed powerless, and by you not playing their games it makes this fact all the more clearer. Tell them to kindly go to hell, and go on about your day because they are just jealous of the happiness that you found by simply opening your heart when they are too afraid to even open their minds to begin with. They know that they may never have what you have and that is where their hate comes from. Please do not worry yourself over such incidents too much! Instead waste your thoughts on more deserving forms of life such as whatever cat or dog you may have at your heels this very moment. Never let anything get you down, it’s the only way to live.

    • AlexJanuary 24, 2012 am31 7:40 amReply

      Thank you for your lovely post and for your kind words, your love and your support! We try to live by the sentiments you have expressed, and we are so humbled and gratified to have received so much support from you and others like you. Thank you!

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